Considered but low risk for any emergent causes including unstable heart block (ekg with no signs of Mobitz II, complete heart block), right coronary artery myocardial infarction (neg trop_, non STEMI, no chest pain), infection (afebrile, no leukocytosis, no recent illness), hypothyroidism, hyperkalemia, hypoglycemia, dehydration, or intoxication (beta blockade, calcium channel blockade, clonidine, digoxin, opiates, alcohol or other). Denies vomiting, numbness/weakness, fever. Use a separate bathroom, if available. Just was ten systems, fairly minimal observations, minimum for billing. Because of how air circulates and is filtered on airplanes, most viruses do not spread easily on airplanes. Point Break ( Keanu Reeves movie ) Point Percy at the porcelain. Abdominal exam without peritoneal signs. Considered alternate etiologies of this patients pain to include fracture, MSK pain, infection/abscess, and other ischemic etiologies (stroke, MI) but doubt these are likely. Vision is unilateral with no other focal neuro deficits so doubt stroke, patient exam and history make retinal detachment, vitreous hemorrhage, posterior vitreous detachment lower on differential. Also, clean any surfaces that may have body fluids on them. Patient is HDS and without a history of coagulopathy or infectious symptoms. Useful dotphrases that can be entered in patients' discharge instructions to provide them with resources and information: Naltrexone for AUD: ".ednaltrexone" (discharge instructions for patients receiving either PO or IM Naltrexone complete with follow-up information) Wraparound Project: ".wraparoundDCI" (discharge instructions and . Patient found to be hyponatremic to _ Patient mentating normally. Patient presents with nontraumatic painful, unilateral vision loss for which the initial differential is optic neuritis, temporal arteritis, acute angle closure glaucoma, endophthalmitis, and uveitis. Not immunocompromised and without signs of systemic or disseminated infection. A lengthy list of discharge instructions, albeit a . Wound inspected under direct bright light with good visualization. Patient with no signs of heart failure. Patient is protecting airway and otherwise has an unremarkable secondary trauma survey. Presentation not consistent with acute organic causes to include delirium, dementia or drug induced disorders (acute ingestions or withdrawal; no evidence of toxidrome). Psychiatry was consulted and continued patients hold. Doubt intrinsic renal dysfunction or obstructive nephropathy. There was no loss of consciousness, confusion, seizure, or memory impairment. Patient euvolemic on exam so likely cause is SIADH. Separate yourself from other people and animals in your home Patient not taking any nephrotoxic medications_. This pediatric patient presents with a history concerning for a serious intracranial injury. History and exam make toxidromes of intoxication or withdrawal, hypoxemia or hypercarbia, liver disease or failure causing hepatic encephalopathy, endocrine emergencies (hyper/hypothyroidism, adrenal insufficiency), seizure, trauma, intracranial bleeds or ischemic stroke less likely_. Patient pain was controlled and patient discharged with ortho follow up. Initial Rhythm: _, ROSC was achieved and patient was transported to hospital, upon arrival patient was ventilated and oxygenated via BVM and then through endotracheal tube after intubation. Patient presents with flank pain and is found to have a kidney stone that is obstructed with signs of infection concerning for infected obstructed kidney stone so Urology was consulted and patient to be taken to OR with urology for stent placement to relieve obstruction. Area hemostatic. Ddx includes allergic reaction vs. preseptal cellulitis. PE = .edVS and .personal PE template (mine is default to level 5 just via visual and basic exam of heat lungs) MDM. The decision about travel is personal and should be made in the context of a persons underlying health conditions, reason for travel and necessity of travel. Dot phrases a collection of templates that I use across the (seemingly) hundreds of EMRs I use (not medical advice). Description: Epic smart phrase with syncope differential diagnosis and initial workup plan. This patient presents with symptoms most consistent with an acute COPD exacerbation. Patient observed until clinically sober. Suspect acute kidney injury of prerenal origin. Doubt alternate acute emergent pathology. Last updated on Aug 3, 2022 12 min read History not consistent with meniere's disease. No history of immunocompromise. _ y/o patient with RUQ abdominal pain, consistent with _. Abdominal exam without peritoneal signs. Given History, Exam, and Workup can not rule out underlying osteomyelitis_, however have low suspicion for Necrotizing Fasciitis, Abscess, DVT. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Patient was pronounced deceased. No recent eye trauma or suspected microtrauma with no signs of inflammation or injection with no significant photophobia so doubt globe rupture, uveitis, endophthalmitis. Presentation not consistent with acute thoracic aortic dissection. The likely precipitant is acute respiratory infection_ weather change or air quality _ recent beta-blocker or opiate use_. However, presentation most concerning for a CVA. Otherwise well-appearing.No history of trauma. Oropharynx pink and moist. Stay home from work or school when they are sick. Given vision loss is painless I have low suspicion for normally painful syndromes such as Corneal Abrasion/Ulcer, Complex Migraine, Globe Rupture, Acute Angle Glaucoma, Uveitis, Endopthalmitis, Iritis. No perforated tympanic membrane, discharged with Ciprodex_ and patient to follow up with PMD in 1 to 2 days. Presentation not consistent with other acute, emergent causes of abdominal pain at this time. Discussed return precautions for odontogenic infections and other dental pain emergencies. Low suspicion for ICH or other intracranial traumatic injury. It made notes so much easier and saved so much time. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. EKG without evidence of STEMI or ischemia, labs with no hypoglycemia, metabolic derangements, and clinical picture does not suggest other stroke mimic. Presentation not consistent with other acute, emergent causes of abdominal pain at this time. If you continue to have palpitations, sometimes the next step is to perform continuous monitoring of your heartbeat while you go back to day. I had a "normal physical exam" dot phrase when I was an intern doing a TY year. This _ patient presents with likely anterior epistaxis, which appears to have resolved. UA was remarkable for _. Renal ultrasound ordered_, urine lytes sent off_. Step #1. Patient admitted to ICU. Symptoms and UA indicate no infection. Patient with pelvic done with no CMT, adnexal tenderness, or vaginal discharge concerning for PID or TOA. Cardiac arrest was likely secondary to _. If the headache onset after 50, sudden/severe, focal neuro findings, or patients with cancer or HIV, consider imaging. Considered, but think unlikely, partial SBO, appendicitis, diverticulitis, other intraabdominal infection. Given CBC and BMP results doubt DKA or tumor lysis syndrome. Presentation not consistent with esophageal or gastric variceal bleeding or Boerhaaves syndrome. Patient's neurological exam was non-focal and unremarkable. The mechanism of injury was a mechanical ground level fall without syncope or near-syncope. Given history, exam and workup patient likely has arthritis. Given work up low suspicion for acute hepatobiliary disease (including acute cholecystitis), acute pancreatitis (neg lipase), PUD and gastric perforation, acute infectious processes (pneumonia, hepatitis, pyelonephritis), acute appendicitis, vascular catastrophe, bowel obstruction or viscus perforation, diverticulitis. COVID test was sent off and pending. -Is not immunocompromised Diarrhea is non bloody so less likely inflammatory bowel disease. I considered, but think unlikely, dangerous causes of this patients symptoms to include ACS, CHF or COPD exacerbations, pneumonia, pneumothorax. This patient presents with symptoms concerning for a lower GI bleed. Low suspicion for inflammatory bowel disorder, rectal ulcer (HIV, syphilis, STI) or rectal foreign body. Patient observed for __ and was clinically sober at time of discharge. It is best to have a plan on how to return urgently if needed during a trip abroad. Children should not be given medication that contains aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) because it can cause a rare but serious illness called Reyes syndrome. Microsoft 365 & HomeBase. No signs or symptoms of alcohol withdrawal while in the emergency department. Ventilate via. As a general rule, pregnant women may be more susceptible to viral respiratory infections and at risk for more severe illness. Upreg negative so doubt ectopic pregnancy_. No lymphangitic spread visible and no fluid pockets or fluctuance concerning for abscess noted. Will give wait and see prescription for amoxicillin. Presentation not consistent with acute cardiac etiologies to include ACS (non ischemic ekg, unremarkable trop), CHF, pericardial effusion / tamponade . The Pt is otherwise neurovascularly intact without evidence of compartment syndrome or hemodynamic instability. Do not handle pets or other animals while you are sick. The post-ictal state resolved prior to discharge and the patient had returned to neurological baseline. This patient presenting with apparent acute hyperglycemia. Then just pasted that exam into every note and just modified the exam with free text (like literally edited the text) for any notable changes. Canadian Head CT Rule was applied and patient did not fall into the low risk category so a head CT was obtained. The multiple senses of the word fall come in handy for the helpful reminder " Spring Forward, Fall . This patient presents with chest pain and an EKG showing _ STEMI or STEMI equivalent (Wellens, de Winters, Sgarbossa criteria)_. Are there any special precautions that are recommended if I am pregnant? Will provide strict return precautions and instructions on self-isolation/quarantine and anticipatory guidance. Differential includes ectopic, IUP, threatened/inevitable abortion, along with completed abortion. Is otherwise well-appearing with acceptable vitals, a reassuring physical exam, and lacks serious medical comorbidities that would require admission. Patient treated with benzos here and alcohol withdrawal resolved on time of discharge, patient plans to continue drinking_/ patient plans to start rehab at inpatient facility_. Patient has ESRD and spoke with nephrology with plan for emergent dialysis _. The etiology of the decompensation is not certain but is likely due to_. For example, in a medical document, the dot phrase ".consult" would replace the word "consultation.". Patient BMP with normal electrolytes and no sign of dehydration causing prerenal AKI. Given work up, exam, and history low suspicion for intracranial hemorrhage or trauma, carotid or vertebral artery dissection, intrathoracic trauma (pulmonary contusion, blunt cardiac trauma, pneumothorax, hemothorax, cardiac tamponade, rib fractures), intra abdominal trauma (no liver, spleen, or renal lacerations, doubt hollow viscus injury given soft abdomen on repeat exams, no free air seen, consistently normotensive), extremity fracture, extremity dislocation, compartment syndrome. Low concern for osteomyelitis or DVT. Patient likely has allergic conjunctivitis and was prescribed _. I have a low suspicion at this time for mastoiditis, malignant otitis externa, herpes or ramsey hunt syndrome, or retained foreign body. See nursing note for medications and times given. Stay in a specific room and away from other people in your home as much as possible. This patient presents with symptoms consistent with syncope, most likely due to _. You can find my fall themed words for drill in my Happy Fall Quick Drill which is always a hit in articulation. Sometimes there is treatment for the viruses that cause influenza if given early. How To Use DUO @ UCLA. Unable to clear patient with PECARN rules given ***. Will send UA and empirically treat for gonorrhea/chlamydia with IM CTX and PO doxycycline. Instructed patient to continue to treat pain with ibuprofen/acetaminophen until they see a dentist. Follow the steps below to help prevent the disease from spreading to people in your home and community. Differential diagnoses includes lumbago versus musculoskeletal spasm / strain versus sciatica. No foreign body sensation or FB on exam so doubt corneal abrasion/ulcer. Well appearing. HEART score:_ so plan to admit patient for risk stratification_; discharge patient home with PMD follow up__. Homely phrase implies that year dot was by then well-known, at least in the writer's experience. Differential diagnosis includes possible acute gastroenteritis. Patient presents for swelling and shortness of breath and found to be volume overloaded on exam likely secondary to renal failure _, heart failure _, nephrotic syndrome _, cirrhosis based on history, exam, and work up. The current level of pain is moderate. This patient presents with symptoms consistent with acute hypersensitivity reaction, likely acute allergic reaction. Doubt pneumonia or pyelonephritis. No history of trauma so doubt ICH. Patient is able to tolerate secretions. It's easy to get started with dot phrases. EKG without signs of active ischemia. What are dot phrases? Presentation not consistent with chronic causes of cough (including GERD, asthma, postnasal discharge, medication side effect, CHF, lung cancer or mass). Given the clinical picture, no indication for imaging at this time. Patient presents with flank pain likely secondary to renal colic from likely non-obstructed non infected kidney stone. Pupils are 3 mm and reactive to light. The TikTok videos from users who are getting crafty at home, and all of the Instagram posts from your fave influencers who are chilling in front of their full-length mirrors have made one thing . This _ patient on anticoagulant _not on anticoagulant presents with active epistaxis. No evidence of anemia. DDX includes ectopic, IUP, threatened/inevitable abortion, along with completed abortion. Given history and exam I have low suspicion for globe rupture, uveitis, HSV keratitis, Endopthalmitist, Foreign Body. Secondary headache etiologies include but are not limited to tumor, cyst, meningitis, AVM, GCA, cerebral vein thrombosis, and carotic/vertebral artery dissection. Patient not taking ACE-I, ARBs, SGLT2 inhibitor, digoxin, no recent burns or trauma to explain hyperkalemia, doubt drug induced, unlikely secondary to crush or thermal injury. On the dot. Point blank range. The patient has a GCS of 15 and is not altered, and has no or minimal LOC history. ***- Foley will remain in place until seen at follow up clinic appointment. Patient offered transferred to rehab facility but declined. DMV was notified to remove patient's licence_, patient was given strict seizure precautions. Doubt carotid artery dissection given no focal neuro deficits, no neck trauma or recent neck strain. Most people recover on their own from these viruses, including COVID-19. Given history and physical presentation not consistent with overt toxidrome, ingestion. Whether it's a warnin. Differential includes simple cystitis, pyelonephritis, epididymitis_. Presentation not consistent with acute intracranial bleed to include SAH (lack of risk factors, headache history). This patient who presents with rash for _, consistent with _. No recent travel. Low suspicion for secondary causes of diarrhea such as hyperadrenergic state, pheo, adrenal crisis, thyrotoxicosis, or sepsis. Presentation not consistent with seizures given short time course, no postictal state, no seizure activity. -No cluster status (SNF, group home, etc), COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) FAQs for Inquiring Patients. Please visit the CDCs guidance for getting your household ready for COVID-19. This patients fistula did not display overt characteristics of Infection, Aneurysm, Vascular Insufficiency, Outflow/Inflow Obstruction or other emergent problem. There are no risk factors for bleeding disorders and the patient is hemodynamically stable. No localizing symptoms of URI or intraabdominal pathology, low suspicion for serious bacterial infection given nontoxic appearance and otherwise healthy child with no major medical problems. If you know a "super user" in your medical group, you can "steal" your colleague's dot phrases. Discussed need for outpatient follow-up and return precautions for signs/symptoms of orbital cellulitis or anaphylaxis. Given the H&P, I suspect this patient is suicidal/homicidal/gravely disabled_ and patient was placed on 5150. A dot phrase is a colloquial term for a preformed block of text that is inserted using keyboard shortcuts, often preceded by a dot. Patient offered transferred to rehab facility but declined. Given history and physical temporal arteritis unlikely, as is acute angle closure glaucoma. No evidence of RPA, PTA, Ludwigs angina, periapical abscess. This patient presents with symptoms consistent with acute uncomplicated cystitis. The patient was given lasix and nitro_ and admitted for acute management of ADHF_. No back pain red flags on history or physical. Patient presents for symptomatic anemia secondary to _. Exam and history most consistent with AOM. Presentation not consistent with acute respiratory etiologies to include acute PE (Wells low risk), pneumothorax , asthma, COPD exacerbation, allergic etiologies, or infectious etiologies such as PNA. Please return to the emergency department for chest pain, shortness of breath, lightheadedness or dizziness, or other symptoms that are concerning to you. Patient treated with opioids which controlled their pain and they were discharged _. Differential diagnosis includes other metabolic causes of hyperglycemia such as HHS, worsened diabetes or medication noncompliance. Denies vomiting, numbness/weakness, fever. Fall-Mechanical-Ground Level HPI. Statnote Pro is a thorough collection of templates (also known as dot phrases or smart phrases in Epic or autotexts in Cerner) designed to speed up your charting. However, given age, cardiovascular risk factors, history & physical, will workup and admit to telemetry. No evidence of hemorrhagic shock. However, due to concern for an occult scaphoid fracture, the patient was placed in a thumb spica splint and instructed to follow up with their PCP for repeat exam and radiography in 10-14 days. Given work up, low suspicion for acute hepatobiliary disease (including acute cholecystitis or cholangitis), acute pancreatitis (neg lipase), PUD (including gastric perforation), acute infectious processes (pneumonia, hepatitis, pyelonephritis), acute appendicitis, vascular catastrophe, bowel obstruction, viscus perforation, or testicular torsion, diverticulitis. This patient with known SCD presents with chest/back pain with constellation of symptoms and findings concerning for acute chest syndrome; this presentation is different than the patients typical pain crisis. --DELETE EVERYTHING ABOVE HERE-- Clinic Note and Treatment Plan HPI - No H/o Jaundice, GIB, Varices, Encephalopathy, SBP, or Ascites Review of Systems - The Patient relates the following as they may pertain to medication use - No Fatigue, No Headache, No Nausea, No Diarrhea, No . (LogOut/ No back pain red flags on history or physical. This showed no significant findings. Will provide dental clinic list_. 1000+ dot phrases, ready for you to use in PhraseExpander. No headache red flags. This patient presents with a headache most consistent with benign headache from either tension type headache vs migraine. Intervention needed All templates, "autotexts", procedure notes, and other documents on these pages are intended as examples only for educational purposes. Presentation not consistent with malignancy (lack of history of malignancy, lack of B symptoms), fracture (no trauma, no bony tenderness to palpation), cauda equina (no bowel or urinary incontinence/retention, no saddle anesthesia, no distal weakness), AAA, viscus perforation, osteomyelitis or epidural abscess (no IVDU, vertebral tenderness), renal colic, pyelonephritis (afebrile, no CVAT, no urinary symptoms). Bleed to include SAH ( lack of risk ty dot phrase fall, headache history ) short course! ( LogOut/ no back pain red flags on history or physical will remain in place until seen follow... 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