; 1919, Alexander Woollcott, The Command is Forward: Tales of the A.E.F. There is some suggestion that the idea of a gentleman named Mr. Riley enjoying a luxurious, easy life is suggested in several earlier vaudeville songs, though the phrase living the life of Riley appears slightly later. The show was originally conceived as a vehicle for Groucho Marx, but it was reworked and recast with the assistance of co-developer Milton "Gummo" Marx, the non-performing Marx brother. King, born Riley B. If someone is living the life of Riley, it means they have a happy life with little to no worries. The Life of Riley: Mastering the five secret habits to enjoy a longer and healthier life by Phil Riley. Now Willy's drest from top to toe all a suit of green,His hair hangs oer his shoulders most glorious to seen;He's tall and straight, and comely as any could found,He's fit for Foillard's daughter, was she heiress to a crown. I mean to go with you and leave this counterie, To leave my fathers dwelling, his houses and free land;. The Life of Riley TV Series 1953-1958 30m IMDb RATING 8.0 /10 417 YOUR RATING Rate Comedy Riley worked in an aircraft plant in California, but viewers usually saw him at home, cheerfully disrupting life with his malapropisms and ill timed intervention into minor problems. The Life of Riley (1953-1958) Full Cast & Crew See agents for this cast & crew on IMDbPro Series Directed by Series Writing Credits Series Cast Series Produced by Series Music by Series Cinematography by Series Film Editing by Series Casting By Series Production Design by McClure Capps . It was produced by Tom McKnight for NBC and featured William Bendix. Sterling Holloway recurred as neighbor Waldo Binney, another radio character. Originally airing on ABC, it jumped to NBC after one season. In view of the fact that there are no boxsets available for sale of LIFE OF RILEY starring William Bendix, I would heartily encourage fans of this seminal 1950's sitcom to compromise and buy the Jackie Gleason product. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. [1], Irving Brecher pitched the radio series for friend Groucho Marx under the title The Flotsam Family, but the sponsor balked at what would have been essentially a straight head-of-household role for Marx. Some believe that it comes from a real person named Willy Reily from Sligo, Ireland. The second TV series ran for six seasons, from January 2, 1953, to May 23, 1958. Counting against the veractiy of the story is the fuzziness of the date and location. International shipping ensures gifts can be sent worldwide. 'The life of Riley' is an easy and pleasant life. One of the best comedy shows, like FKB and the GG, it is well written and has a good cast, if your looking for a good laugh its in LOR. All Rights Reserved. life of Riley phrase. Pampered from a young age after his father came into sudden wealth, Jonathan led the life of Riley compared to the hardships his older siblings faced. He promotes healthy life choices while discussing the life expectancy of the UK population. Riley always looked out for his wife Peg . Manage Settings The radio series also benefited from the immense popularity of a supporting character, Digby "Digger" O'Dell (John Brown), "the friendly undertaker." https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/life+of+Riley. Other similar letters from US servicemen claimed to have been living the life of Reilly while at war in France. It included in the chorus "Is that Mr. Reilly, of whom they speak so highly?". Riley worked in an aircraft plant in California, but viewers usually saw him at home, cheerfully disrupting life with his malapropisms and ill timed intervention into minor problems. The first printed citation of 'the life of Riley' (with the easy/carefree meaning of the phrase) that I have found is from New Jersey newspaper The News, May 1910: Henry Mungersdorf is living the life of Riley just at present. Cast & Crew Read More Irving Brecher Director William Bendix Chester A. Riley James Gleason Gillis Rosemary Decamp Peg Riley Bill Goodwin Sidney Monahan Beulah Bondi Right now, the phrase is a popular idiomatic expression that refers to a comfortable and luxurious life. Life of riley definition, a carefree, comfortable, and thoroughly enjoyable way of living: Since winning the lottery, he's led the life of Riley. ley -r-l variants or less commonly life of Reilly Synonyms of life of Riley : a carefree comfortable way of living Word History Etymology from the name Riley or Reilly First Known Use 1911, in the meaning defined above Time Traveler The first known use of life of Riley was in 1911 See more words from the same year on January 6, 2011, Me too: my votes go for LOR, FKB and GG all the way, with A&A thrown in for good measure. There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. An unrelated radio show with the name Life of Riley was a summer replacement show heard on CBS from April 12, 1941, to September 6, 1941. By the 1940, the term living the life of Riley was popular enough to be used as the title of the comedy series The Life of Riley. The Lightning Seeds - The Life of Riley (Official Video) - YouTube 0:00 / 2:45 The Lightning Seeds - The Life of Riley (Official Video) Lightning Seeds 73.4K subscribers Subscribe 860K views. [1] (Marx would get his own series Blue Ribbon Town instead.) Life of Riley's high-class grooming salon pampers the pooches in the Potomac, Bethesda, Washington DC, Arlington, Alexandria, and surrounding areas. Also, life of Reilly. The latter portion of the fifth season, broadcast between April and June 1957, was filmed and originally broadcast in color, although only black-and-white film prints of those episodes were syndicated. Living The Life Of Riley Origin. ", "There is a ring among them I allow yourself to wear,With thirty locket diamonds well set in silver fair,And as a true-love token wear it on your right hand,That you'll think on my poor broken heart when you're in Finding his kin gone, Riley takes residence with the family of a white farmer Flake Cartledge, who live in a shack on Cartledge farm. It may also be a life reference to an Irish man named Wiley Reily. Duffy's account for instance places Reilly as living in the 1820s, not the late 18th century. The American Heritage Idioms Dictionary From our range of leather bound trunks to our latest designs in waxed canvas. Another famous song, The Best in the House is None Too Good for Reilly was sung by George Gaskin. His boss, whom he admires, is waiting to meet with him about the big project. What is the English language plot outline for The Life of Riley (1953)? Now, any Oscar nominations will be clouded for Riley . The life of Riley definition: If you say that someone is living the life of Riley , you mean that they have a very easy. They go by hills and mountains, and by yon lonesome plain,Through shady groves and valleys all dangers to refrain;But her father followed after with a well-armd band,And taken was poor Reilly and his dear Coolen Bawn. I support. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. The CBS program starred Lionel Stander as J. Riley Farnsworth and had no real connection with the more famous series that followed a few years later. The details of the story, and of the ballad, appear in several variants. Duffy goes on to indicate the widespread knowledge of the song in the north of the island of Ireland: "There is no family under the rank of gentry in the inland counties of Ulster where it is not familiarly known. Henry Morgan voiced Riley's father in one episode. John Brown returned as the morbid, counseling undertaker Digby (Digger) O'Dell. Yourview: Comment OF THE DAY. He was called 'The Silver-Voiced Irish Tenor", although audiences must have been rather forgiving in those days, as surviving recordings of him sound like a knife being drawn across a plate. There are none in the above citation so it's reasonable to suggest that 'the life of Riley' was known to the New Jersey populace in 1910. In favour of it being a true account of real events, there was a wealthy Protestant Ffolliott family living in Sligo at the end of the 18th century and also a Luke Fox, who was a magistrate in the area at that time. It is fully furnished with standard household appliances. Some variation of the retelling of a romantic folk tale is to be expected (in Ireland more than in most places) and, all things considered I would say that the best contender we have as being first person to live 'the life of Reilly' was Willy Reilly of Sligo, Ireland. Life of Riley Salon Supply - Wholesale Salon & Beauty Supply Distributor - Servicing only licensed beauty professionals The family owned, locally operated, boutique distributor of rising star brands. Written in 1883 by Pat Rooney, a well-known vaudeville comedian, singer and Irish impersonator. A scan of a copy of the newspaper the Dublin Weekly Nation, Saturday 14 October 1899 shows that Reiley (and as it turns out it is Reilly, not Riley) was the hero of a popular folk ballad, living exactly the life that would lead to the coining of the phrase we have been seeking. The phrase came into common usage around the time of WWI. [3], An unrelated radio show with the title Life of Riley was a summer replacement show heard on CBS from April 12, 1941, to September 6, 1941. i also make photographs. Definition of live the life of Riley in the Idioms Dictionary. Jim Gillis 92 Episodes 1958. [1] (The Myanmar Times), Murderer Cameron Mansell is living the life of Riley with ready access to a computer and television as a medium security prisoner while withholding the location of his victims body, according to the dead mans father Laurie Puddy. RILEY HARPER. Pabst Blue Ribbon invites you to join us again next week, to hear the Life of Riley, starring William Bendix as Riley. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Here's the ballad, as printed in 1899, which recounts the story of Willy Reilly running away with his hieress lover only to be caught and tried for abduction, eventually finding freedom and riches in his lover's arms - truly the life of Reilly: [Note: 'Coolen bawn' is an Anglised version of 'Caillin ban', meaning 'young, white girl'. The idiomatic expression may be associated with a luxurious or generally pleasant life. Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, cannot for the life of me/him/her/us/them, the webmaster's page for free fun content, Celebration of a lifetime set to music; Jade Wright talks to Ian Broudie about his Sefton Park career retrospective with the RLPO, Life over after partner dumped me for money; Dear Coleen THE STRAIGHT.TALKING PROBLEM PAGE, Books: ROMANTIC FICTION; Not Married, Not Bothered by Carol Clewlow (HarperCollins, pounds 6.99), Con cutters set to tear the fabric of UK apart, When will our MPs get the message? - Do you have feedback or suggestions on how we can improve? We will keep fighting for all libraries - stand with us! [citation needed] Mel Blanc provided some voices as well, including that of Junior's dog Tiger as well as that of a dog catcher who claimed to have a special bond with dogs. CAN YOU ANSWER THESE COMMON GRAMMAR DEBATES? If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. The famous series hit the charts that it was adapted into a feature film in 1949. He was unavailable for the TV show. Definition of life of Riley in the Idioms Dictionary. There are many other films with the same title. Anna lived the life of Riley at a young age because of her parents sudden wealth from their business. Upon me soul, Riley, you're doing quite well. The singer of the Irish/American song was known for being the Silver-Voiced Irish Tenor. Babs Riley Marshall 108 Episodes 1958. Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP. The phrase is likely of early 20th-century Irish-American origin, but to whom Riley refers is uncertain. All rights reserved. Life of Riley | Dog Boarding Rockville, Adams Morgan Nowhere else in the Rockville, Adams Morgan, or surrounding areas, will you find a more luxurious, five-star boarding resort for your precious pooch. It was later on adapted into a French film directed by Alain Resnais. It was from a New Jersey newspaper, The News, saying, Henry Mungersdorf is living the life of Riley just at present.. Life of Riley Resort is located on Lake Vermilion in Northeastern Minnesota. "Now the cold, cold iron hands and feat are bound.I'm handcuffed like a murderer, and tied unto the ground.But all the toil and slavery Im willing for to stand,Still hoping to succoured by my dear Coolen Bawn. There were no quotation marks to imply the unfamiliarity of the expression. The Lightning Seeds - The Life of Riley (Official Video) Lightning Seeds 858K views 13 years ago Almost yours: 2 weeks, on us 100+ live channels are waiting for you with zero hidden fees Dismiss. B.B. There are also historical accounts of a minor landowner called Reilly, living nearby in county Sligo, who set his sights romantically on Helen Ffolliott, the daughter of the house and who was tried in the manner the song suggests. Living the life of Riley is an American phrase that first showed up in the early 1900s. Meaning What does Life of Riley mean? King moves back to . "[2], The reworked script cast Bendix as blundering Chester A. Riley, a wing riveter at the fictional Cunningham Aircraft plant in California. Another Irish/American song, George Gaskin, was popular in New York around the same time. Jimmie Lydon (Henry Aldrich) was her boyfriend. Like most other Irish songs of the era, it played to the Irish audience - this one with a dash of anti-Chinese racism thrown in for luck (the Chinese were 'Reilly's' principal competitors for manual work in the USA at the time): I'll have nothing but Irishman on the policePatrick's Day will be the fourth of July;I'll get me a thousand infernal machines,To teach the Chinese how to die. 1,001 following. Ill also show you how to use living the life of Riley in sentences. You have probably heard, watched, or read the term living the life of Riley. I thought, this guy could play it. An unrelated radio show with the title Life of Riley was a summer replacement show heard on CBS from April 12, 1941, to September 6, 1941. Accessed 18 Apr. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates? 1943. When you buy via the links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. Nurses and semptresses [seamstresses], the honorary guardians of national songs and legends, have taken it into special favour, and preserved its popularity.". It first appeared in a comic strip titled "Life with Riley," which ran from February 13, 1946 to January 12, 1955. What's the origin of the phrase 'The life of Riley'? One authority says it comes from a song of the 1880s, "Is that Mr Reilly?" popularized by Pat Rooney, founder of the great American song-and-dance dynasty "The Dancing Rooneys." Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. His boss, who he admires, is waiting to meet with him about the big project. One is derived from the original Gaelic word raghalach, which means "valiant." This eventually became the surname O'Reilly. One moose, two moose. Check out some others we covered: - Did we make a mistake? The term living the life of Riley is an American phrase, it first appeared in the early 1900s. airdate DPUB: 20Feb53 copyright date Riley decides to take the family on a trip to the country to spend a three-day weekend. @nostalgia.killer. ISRC: USUAN1400054 Uploaded: 2014-11-25 102 bpm As developed by Brecher, the retitled The Life of Riley was carefully attuned to the mood . For When 'Lowdown Crook' Isn't Specific Enough. All rights reserved. Lobby card for the 1927 silent film The Life of Riley, directed by William Beaudine and starring George Sidney and Charles Murray, playing the character of Timothy Riley; image of two men: George Sidney holding the chin of Charles Murray in a fire chief's uniformbelow the image is the line "Now smile and show your pretty teeth," presumably the words meant to be spoken at this moment . The Life of Riley Overview Synopsis Credits Film Details Articles & Reviews Notes Brief Synopsis A factory worker tries to cope when his daughter dates the boss's son. For well-meaning aircraft worker Riley, there's no invention he's not willing to take a crack at, even if he's hopelessly in over his head. Instead, Jackie Gleason starred, with Rosemary DeCamp replacing Paula Winslowe as wife Peg, Gloria Winters as daughter Barbara (Babs), Lanny Rees as son Chester Jr. (Junior), and Sid Tomack as Jim Gillis, Riley's manipulative best buddy and next-door neighbor. Purposes only check out some others we covered: - Did we make a mistake Tom McKnight NBC. To hear the life of Riley & # x27 ; s the origin of the grammar. Airdate DPUB: 20Feb53 copyright date Riley decides to take the family on trip... Our latest designs in waxed canvas Riley at a young age because of her parents sudden from! Adapted into a feature film in 1949 week, to leave my fathers dwelling his... 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