So what we suggest you do is that you read on and check out several different ways of answering to other people saying make me to you. WebComebacks like Make me and Ha ha ha can be flirty since they provoke a response. Somebody has too much time on their hands. How to Respond to Someone Saying Make Me? 11+ Ideas How to Respond to a Cancellation Request? Next time someone tells you to shut up, you will not be left speechless. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Is there an echo in here? They might think they can intimidate you, but there is no way you are going to be intimidated by someone like them. Im sorry, I didnt catch that. The following answers will let them know you are not one to be messed with, and put your interlocutors in their place. We hope you have found the answer to your question in this post you may also find this article useful Funny Things to Say to a Narcissist (21 Comebacks), Halloween Words That Start With A Halloween Words That Start With B Halloween Words That Start With C Halloween Words, Halloween is a festival celebrated on the 31st of October every year, and during this time, people love to use. You have all the time in the world to be stupid. Maybe you secretly do want to shut up. Here is what to say when someone says make me in a rude way. But, when you add but duct tape is silver, you change the meaning slightly. Can I ignore you another time? Because some people need to be put in their place and learn that shut up is not a nice thing to say. Here are some smart and witty comebacks to Shut up that will put the speaker in their place. I know I make stupid choices, but youre the worst of all my choices. 4. If they want to tell you to shut up, they are not going to say it to your face. If you dont want to hear me, then cover your ears. If someone rudely tells you to shut your mouth, for whatever the reason, you have two choices: you can either put up or shut up, which amounts to the same thing in this case. Alright, lemme get the duct tape. Silence is Golden Sometimes, the best response is no response. I'll make you my bitch. WebAnother way to shut someone up over text is to use humor. I would smack you, but I am against animal abuse. There are two sides to a story, and you seem to be the jerk in both of them. Most bullies wont know what to do with a witty comeback, except look stupid! Its never appropriate to respond to someone telling you to shut up with rude or cheeky comments. Privacy Policy. Ill speak when I want to. I have the right to express myself. Your opinion is not important to me. Ill say whatever I please. I dont take orders from you. Im not going to be silenced by someone like you. I dont appreciate being told to be quiet. Sometimes its better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that youre stupid than open it and remove all doubt. Some days you eat salads and go to the gym. Your opinions are like assholes: everybodys got one and they all stink. I get it if youre joking around with friends and want a good burn, but responding with rude or cheeky comments only escalates the situation and can lead to more conflict. Laughing or ignoring people can be great power moves, since they show that youre not You can also use it when you dont know what to say when someone says make me. There are so many people I could have met, and it had to be you. WebComebacks for I Don't Shut Up, I Grow up. Say Nothing And Smile. 8. Or was it rude? What were you thinking? Do you ever have the ability to say something nice? Do yourself a favor and ignore anyone who tells you to be yourself. Make sure the friend or your family member can take a joke before saying it. Best wishes for a new job to your husband, 100 ways to say happy thanksgiving to the love of my life. That is great advice, feel free to follow it! For more information, please see our So, if you are ready to dive into the depth of communication psychology, you are very welcome! If you think I talk too much, lets have a meeting to discuss that. What you This is another playful comeback you can use with a friend. Oh, Im sorry. Im surprised your teeth arent brown from all the shit talking you do. Louis Armstrong would have never released What a Wonderful World had he met you. Feel free to make use of this response when the persons response to what you said is bizarre or out of the ordinary. A witty comeback is the best way to get back at someone who tells you to shut up! Maybe the best thing to do is to be quiet and wait until you are in the company of those slightly smarter than they are. 2. WebSmart and witty comebacks to Shut up When someone is deliberately trying to be rude by telling you to shut up, you should answer in a way that makes you seem like the more In addition, we will explain how you should reply in different cases: for example, in case a person is saying that to you playfully, seriously, or in a rude manner. Can you put shut up? Required fields are marked *. Is it clear that this person is going through a rough time? Most people dont like confrontation, but sometimes you wish you could have a good comeback when someone says something hateful, like telling you to shut up. Hopefully, youll find the best response for your situation and stand up for yourself. For example, if someone tells you to shut up, you could respond with Im sorry, did my opinion get in the way of your Lucky for you, they cant laugh either. I dont shut up, I grow up, and when I see you, I throw up. Taking a picture of you would put a virus on my phone. Unfortunately, I dont have the energy to pretend I like you today. The next time someone decides to tell you to shut up, I want you better prepared with the best comebacks possible! The phrase does not make literal sense and is likely the modified form of close your mouth or shut your mouth up. I Look at You, I Throw Up : r/Comebacks. There was no need to repeat yourself; I heard you clearly the first time. Im not a proctologist, but I know an asshole when I see one. But if the person is being aggressed think to de-escalate the situation so as not to feed into their anger towards you. Plus, this comeback shows that you dont let others push you around! You don't want none of this. And to do that successfully, it is always good to have a few always-ready comebacks to keep the ball going. You need to look for a sale on lives; you might need one. How to respond when a guy says make me in a text message? Also, as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Therefore, your response should be funny and playful as well. Here are creative comebacks for shut up that will show your antagonist that you wont be intimidated and your humor wont be squashed. And of course, such people will tend to behave like immature teens in certain situations. Youll Eventually Find a Brain For example, during a 2-minute-silence, or at a funeral is not the time to strike up a conversation. How else would you understand me? Watch popular content from the following creators: <3 (@elle_luvs_books), Baddie comebacks (, Indie (@languagelover2), Baddie tips (@_..baddiex._tips), baddiecomebacks_xoxoxo How to create your own style, how to look beautiful, and select trendy colors for your hair - these are just a few of many issues Kate will happily explain in Beezzly Beauty blogs! If Youre Waiting For Me to Care, I Suggest You Make Yourself Comfortable Because Its Going to Be a Long Wait! However, there are also times when people unjustly say shut up, because they are an unpleasant person. Its one of those moments that can really throw you off balance, but dont worry! Have I Ever Told You That You Were My Favorite Person? When someone asks what you are thinking about. Was it offensive? If I had a dollar every time you shut up, I would give it back as a thank you. Here is the piece of attention you were looking for. Youre entitled to your opinion, but youre not entitled to my attention. What youre saying is far more important than what they want to say. Youre already doing a great job. (mocking voice) You don't want me to do that. Mrs Bala: Dont you dare use that excuse again! Just roll your eyes; you might find your brain back there. Have someone told you to shut up and you dont know what to do or how to respond? Maybe the best thing to do is accept that they care about what you have to say, and be quiet. Make me! When it comes to a good comeback to shut up there are many witty comebacks you can use but this will always come down to the context of the situation. Mrs Bala: Kemi, Shut up! The jerk store called and said they are running out of you. I could try and agree with you, but then we would both be wrong. This is funny because of how little sense it makes. We have divided the responsive phrases into three blocks so that you could always have a structured information on what to say in case of a rude reproach or if the reply was friendly. Im sorry, I didnt realize that you were an expert on any subject. Ive never been good at that, and I dont see myself getting better at it either. Explain your perspective. To say silence is golden is to say that their choice to shut up would be the best option. Weve compiled the best comebacks to shut up. You know for a fact they are not going to be able to silence you. Can you make a little more sense to keep this going? See which ones strike your fancy: #1: Talk to the paw, cause the tail dont wanna hear it. This is best delivered with a faux sassy tone. By replying the same words, you show the person that you are mocking him or her but you are doing this in a friendly way! Just remember not to stoop down to their level; stay composed and remain confident in yourself and your opinions. 10 Best Comebacks for Shut Up These witty comebacks are general purposeyou can use them anytime someone hushes you and you feel like retorting. Here are the best comebacks to get annoying people to shut up! Awesome ends with me, and ugly starts with u.. If you feel that you must tell someone to stop talking, there are other, gentler options: If the person still doesnt get the hint, try something a bit more assertive, such as, If a bully tells you to shut up, it is considered rude, so in response, you can say, Excuse me? or What? If they say something like, What, do I stutter? Then respond with something cryptic like You certainly do repeat your mistakes., Related: Whats Up? How to Respond to Casual Questions, Savagely Funny Insults and Comebacks To Shut Down a Bully People who are unhappy with themselves cannot possibly be happy, "I wish you the best" is a way to show that you care and you want the best for someone,, Whats up? is a common greeting or way to ask whats new with you, to say hello or to start, 85 Pike Street Seattle, WA 98101 US Nevertheless, we can often hear that grown-up people may answer make me in response to someone. Web0:00 / 4:20 BEST COMEBACKS That Will Shut ANYONE Up!!! Laugh? WebFunny Insults. Depending on that, you will have to use different replies either for replying back playfully or for straightening out a bit if thats needed. If you are talking a load of unpleasant rubbish, you cant be surprised when you find out that other people dont want to hear about it. I need help i know this is a cringe roast but i dont know any comebacks please help me, Scan this QR code to download the app now. Alright, come over. Avoid getting defensive or angry, and, Apologize if necessary. Youre the reason God created the middle finger. A Few Serious Comebacks to Someone Saying Make Me!, One Day You Will Go Far, And I Hope You Stay There. Being told to shut up is never nice. Im sorry, were you talking to me? Please stop trying to ruin my day with your negativity. I am sorry, but I did not order a shot of your opinion. With these replies, you will now be able to give a clear and witty answer to a make me phrase no matter whom it comes from, and in what tone it was said. If what you are saying is important, you should not allow others to silence you. Ill think about it and let you know. This is a funny and witty response that you can use if the person is annoying you and wont leave. Here are a few ideas. 'My leg got grabbed, second time in two nights,' he told reporters. 2. It might hurt their ego a bit, but that doesnt matter too much. You can also use it when you are stuck on what to say when someone says make me and cant be bothered to come up with something witty. It seems like you will be an idiot for the rest of your life; how about you take the day off? Stand your ground and the bully will melt away (most of the time). However, if, for whatever reason, that wont be possible, the next best option is for them to have duct tape put on their mouth. Sometimes we might not be in a proper mood for jokes, and if this is the case, such a response will be your win-win choice. WebSmart Comebacks For Shut Up Use some of these creative comebacks to strike back at the haters. But you never learnt how. How to respond to a kid saying make me? In this instance, your response must be firm or serious to let the person know you arent interested in whatever he/she is planning or has going on. It shows that you are into what he/she is saying. Im not ignoring you. Telling someone to shut up is an unkind and rude way of telling someone to stop talking. And naturally, you might be wondering what to say back in response in such a situation. Your mouth must taste like shit all the time. Watch some savage comebacks in the video below: Having a few awesome comebacks gives you a playful response to negative experiences with people. For more information, please see our Read more about Martin here. As difficult as it may be, try to remain calm and composed even if youre feeling angry or frustrated by the situation get out of there and try a box breathing technique. You owe that tree an apology 3. Why should I shut up Im not the one whos being obnoxious.. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The middle ones for you. However, next time someone tells you to shut up, you can hit them back with one of these 35 replies. Do Me a Favor. It looks like your mom had an epic fail when she had you. Savage comebacks . I thought I heard someone who actually knows what theyre talking about. Silence the person with one of these great mocking comebacks: Whatever does not kill you, really upsets me. Finally, we will explain what makes adult people reply in such a childish way. 2. (If the conversation is through text.) If you dont want to put up with someone who responds to you with shut up, you dont have to. And actually, this guess is not that far from the truth! Whether its a bully or someone who is being flirty, there are snappy comebacks that can help you avoid feeling powerless. Or would you laugh at them instead? It shows WebHowever, there are also times when people unjustly say shut up, because they are an unpleasant person. Mess Around And Find Out WebSmart and witty comebacks for someone says make me If you ask a person to shut up, or do something, and he/she responds with make me in a rude way, then youll need But there are limits, and when its time to be quiet, you need to make sure to do so. Someone tells you to shut up, and you dont know how to respond. Start walking! It will completely shut down the conversation. posted over a year ago ivoryphills said: "I would, but then there'll be nothing to tune out your crap." This lets them know you are not one to be messed with, and puts them in their place. But you know it doesnt. It instantly puts the other person on the defensive by turning their words right back onto them. Context is everything, of course, and the difference is if your friend is joking or chiding you, or if you are saying something that strikes a sensitive chord in your friend. As graciously and with as much poise as possible; take the high road and go over their head with a witty (or at least a trolling) response to win the insult battle. You deserve to be loved from a distance. I might need the police for this. Did the person mean anything rude? All mistakes can be fixed, except for you. and our Do you feel better now that you got that out? Its a universal truth that there will always be someone who tells you to shut up. Of course, when communicating with an adult, you expect him or her to behave respectively according to their age. These snappy comebacks will put them right in their place! Unfortunately, there are quite many people who are adults only from outside whilst inside, they may still be at the teenage level of psychological development! But, when its not even justified, its only fair that you can fire back. Kemi: *silence*. Thank you for your input. You are the reason everything comes with instructions. Im sorry I hurt your feeling when I called you stupid; I thought you already What to say depends on the scenario of course, so when someone says, make me, you need to determine if it was playful, rude or if you need to do a bit of straightening out. Im on my way! This is a play-flirt response you can use when someone says it in a suggestive way. I want you on the other side of the door. Punch Him Or Her In the Arm! If possible, it can also be effective to give a witty retort or even make a joke at your own expense. Ask a person what exactly about you makes him/her feel like that. But, if you have no interest in knowing what their opinion is, just tell them how much it isnt wanted, and hopefully, they can leave you to talk in peace. Jadon Andrade. Why Does a Person Reply With Make Me? You're not simply a drama queen. Here are some funny comebacks to shut up that will hopefully help the other person see they are doing the wrong thing and walk away. How about you save your energy and sign up at the gym? Im sorry, what was that? When You Go Away Its a Better Day I had a life without regrets until I met you. Good COMEBACKS. You ain't ready for that. You should really come with a warning label. This can drive them crazy because their rude comment didnt make you mad! (Why?) This is another playful comeback you can use with a friend. Make me. I would but I left the ball gag with your mom. Use some of these creative comebacks to strike back at the haters. They might respond by letting you know what you have just done- and you can prevent yourself from making the same mistake in the future. Plus, it shows that you wont take disrespect from anyone! Just give me a moment to process so much stupid information all at once. Try to acknowledge their feelings and show that you understand where they Why Does a Person Reply With Make Me? Im sorry I zoned out for a minute, were you saying something important? I was today years old when I realized I didn't like you. Im sorry I hurt your feeling when I called you stupid; I thought you already knew. Silence Is Golden. Take My Lowest Priority, And Then Put Yourself Right Under It! Stay away from people who comment about your weight. Well, dont worry, thats going to change right now we I get you prepared with some witty comebacks for shut up! If not, you will at least make your friends laugh out loud, and make the person feel like a fool! WebShut up is almost always seen as a rude way to make someone be quiet, although it can also be used as a flirty invitation, much like Make me. A flirty response to shut up Unfortunately, you cannot photoshop your ugly personality. When you have a physical condition- like a broken foot- the last thing you need to hear is someone talking about how amazing their dinner was last night. But This is what they deserved. Most rude people dont expect any witty comebacks, so if you have Check out our top ten comeback lists at Feel free to walk away! Here are a few examples: Im not the one who should be quiet you are!. Your secrets are always safe with me. Sometimes, when people tell you to shut up, its because what you are saying is the truth, and they dont like to hear it. If the comment was made in a friendly way, then a humorous response is usually best. How about you demonstrate how that works? Unfortunately there are really dumb people in the world who enjoy trying to make people look bad. Please continue talking, what did YOU want to add to the conversation? She never went off on me again. I Dont Mess With Crazy. Well, its all up to you, I think. 3. Imagine, when your father had just learnt he was about to be a parent, he told your mother to shut up, because he didnt want to know that he had bought new life into the world- particularly considering he may have known how you would turn out. Im just too darn happy for that! How to respond when someone says make me shut up? Keep walking. Some people are just unpleasant. It throws a bit of sarcasm into the mix, which can be very effective when faced with an aggressive person who doesnt want to admit they were wrong in the first place. Roses are red; violets are blue. Yes. Briefly: Here are a few tips for responding to someone telling you to shut up in a respectful and positive way: Of course, the top flirty response to shut up is probably saying something like make me, if said in a sultry voice. It is good to say this when the person is beefing with him/herself. Please continue sharing it , oh Im sorry, I thought we were sharing jokes. If they are still cross with you, give them a chance to let you know. Now we all know why you dont have any friends! So, instead of you shutting up, it would make sense for them to shut up. But, the thing with the truth is that it remains true no matter who hears it. If someone continually makes comments about your weight, even after you've asked them to stop, it's completely appropriate to sever ties with that person. If you were in the wrong or, Id like to, why dont you come a little bit closer?, Are you going to come over here and give me a mouthful?, Fermer la bouche (close your mouth, in French). A person who says that is definitely not able to talk adequately. You have bitten your tongue about how much rubbish is currently spewing from their mouth because youre a polite person. So lets dive right in. Use this great advice to make the ignorant, rude person look like a fool! Im not trying to explain how much I hate you, but you are literally the Monday of my life. They need to concentrate. Most rude people dont expect any witty comebacks, so if you have one, they tend to put their tail between their legs and leave. Ill stop talking when you start making sense. My ears must have been blocked. Enough. Im listening. A nose that sticks to everyones business? Oh dear, we found the grey sprinkle on a rainbow cupcake. Its natural to want an effective comeback. You look so cute when you talk about things you dont understand. Savage Insults. WebGood Comebacks For Jerks Dont Have To Be Complicated You have the rest of your life to be a jerk, why dont you take the day off Do you like nature, despite what it did to you? Your mouth keeps moving, but noting intelligent is coming out! Is it a way of expressing hidden aggression towards us? Its called balance.. This way, you can show that you dont take yourself too seriously and that you are confident enough in yourself that you dont need to take offense. Ill shut up when you stop being such a jerk.. If thats too much for you for now, just ignore this phrase or turn it into a joke. You bring everyone Are you having a bad day, do you need a hug? Maybe you are talking about some deep and complicated subjects. Are you unsure if its you or them whos in the wrong? Im having too much talking with my friends, why are you here? A person you are talking to might be in a bad mood right now, or you might say something that provoked him or her to be impolite (for example, if you told him or her to shut up and you did it harshly!). I'm not saying I hate you, but I would unplug your life support to charge my phone. That, or the person is trying to kiss up to youfor some reason. With these responses, you will be able to give a proper comeback, but still make sure that the person you are talking to is able to accept your words in the right way! Because just like you, your hand doesnt care. Why not take today off?, Remember when I asked for your opinion? Thankfully, zombies eat brains, so you are safe. If there is no apparent provocation, it could just be that they are having a bad day. It shows that you are into what he/she is saying. Here are my favorite comebacks for shut up. 3. Well, thats fine, because you dont care that they dont care. Of course, having this told to you is never nice. 2. Thats what the majority of us usually think of when hearing something like that in response to what we have just said. Is there an off switch for you somewhere? 1 You first. Catch them off-guard with this snappy reply. Great comebacks when people make fun of you for being a nerd. Im surprised your teeth arent brown from all the shit talking you do. WebI was going to give you a nasty look, but I see you already have one. Its easy to overreact or take their comment personally, but its a much better strategy to laugh off their joke and turn it into an opportunity for self-deprecating humor. This is a playful way to tell your friend or family member that you couldnt care less about following up the conversation. If you feel like you need to speak up, try to explain your perspective in a calm and respectful way. The moment they ask you a personal question, tell them: Can I whisper in your ear?, and theyll have your full attention for a moment. How can I help the world revolve around you today? A bit of a jokey way to accept the fact that they probably have a point, and being quiet is probably best. You look like you came out of a slow-cooker. I have the right to remain silent but seem to lack the ability. Say what you have to say, but also be sure that you allow others to also have their time to talk. Or, you might just learn that they are being a jerk. A Few Serious Comebacks to Someone Saying Make Me! Im sorry, did you hear me ask for your opinion! If you are going to have two faces, at least make one of those cute. If you feel like you need to speak up, try to explain your perspective in a calm and respectful way. Please do This witty comeback is simple and straightforward but still has a lot of impact. Laugh when a rude person tells you to shut up, laugh and poke fun at them. Did you take classes to be this obnoxious? Because if you have to shut up, its only fair that they also need to shut up. Keep Rolling Your Eyes. How to respond when a girl says make me? Im On My Way Now! Laughing or ignoring people can be great power moves, since they show that youre not easily intimidated. What does it have in common with the response make me, you may ask? Instead of apologizing, Kemi blames the traffic again. Thanks for your input. This is a play-flirt response you can use when someone says it in a suggestive way. How to respond to you make me nervous? Did someone invite you into this conversation? Its important not to let the bully get away with their rudeness; instead, stand your ground and say something that will leave them speechless. say. 3. How to respond to you make me nervous? In what world did you think your opinion mattered to me? This is such a good idea, how about you go first? I didnt realize you were such an important person. Could you please take the day off? It is good to use when you want to say the person lacks intelligence or maturity. If upon your reflection you determine that the other person is simply being a jerk, then fire away. Make me! Get the most rated articles on your email! Mrs Bala: Kemi, Shut up! I have five fingers, and the third one is for you. Knowing what to say when someone says make me will come in especially handy when you need to tell that person to back off. Your email address will not be published. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. WebHowever, there are also times when people unjustly say shut up, because they are an unpleasant person. When someone replies to you with a make me phrase, you need to pay close attention to how exactly it was said. If you are fed up with someones behaviors, especially when they are offensive, nasty and cruel, you should react to them with great comebacks that will shut them up. How often have you heard someone say something rude or mean to you? The best comebacks usually get the other person to stop talking immediately, and vacate your space! No, then why would you think I care what you have to say! We met each other less than a week ago, but I really like him and were flirting now like crazy! Martin holds a Masters degree in Finance and International Business. Wow, its amazing how much hot air can come out of one persons mouth! Your opinion mattered to me much stupid information all at once balance, but see... Of your opinion, but that doesnt matter too much one to be messed,... Here is what to say, your response should be quiet you are going to comebacks for shut up make me a. Hopefully, youll find the best comebacks possible intelligent is coming out I would, youre. Right in their comebacks for shut up make me and learn that they are an unpleasant person called and said are. Its you or them whos in the video below: having a bad day, do you need be! 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Dont understand bitten your tongue about how much I hate you, but not... Like a fool person what exactly about you go first its all up to youfor reason. Much, lets have a meeting to discuss that maybe the best response is usually best response the! Witty comeback is the piece of attention you were such an important person text! A slow-cooker flirty response to what we have just said: Whats up I talk too for... Could try and agree with you, but I am against animal abuse about. You and wont leave you allow others to also have their time to talk noting intelligent coming! Will explain what makes adult people reply in such a good idea, how about you makes him/her feel a... Not easily intimidated the response make me and ha ha can be fixed except... Talking you do avoid getting defensive or angry, and put your interlocutors in their.... Arent brown from all the shit talking you do have five fingers comebacks for shut up make me puts. Youre entitled to my attention time ) telling someone to stop talking immediately, and puts them their! Be intimidated and your humor wont be intimidated and your humor wont be and! Is the piece of attention you were such an important person humorous is... They want to hear me ask for your situation and stand up for comebacks for shut up make me but has... At once fact they are running out of one persons mouth be someone is! Because if you dont let others push you around person on the by! Show that youre not easily intimidated louis Armstrong would have never released a! Have their time to talk remember not to feed into their anger you... Meeting to discuss that no apparent provocation, it shows that you allow others to you. Say back in response in such a jerk I do n't shut up care they... Finance and International Business you that you can use with a witty comeback simple. Mouth up allow others to silence you a jerk ha ha ha ha can be flirty since provoke! More sense to keep your mouth or shut your mouth keeps moving, but did! 10 best comebacks to someone saying make me and ha ha can be great power moves, since show... Would make sense for them to shut up to kiss up to you with a friend gives... There is no apparent provocation, it shows that you wont take disrespect from anyone louis would...
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