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Home Book Reviews A Students Guide to Atomic Physics, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS 2018, 292 PAGES >> Book excerpt: Author : E. W. McDaniel @B.Nrdm@:d/d!a?08V2S/@c&LK-= >> /Subtype /Link /URI (www\056cambridge\056org\0579781107188730) On the other hand, the new technologies have stimulated elaborate theo retical investigations, especially in developing QED theory, relativistic many body techniques, plasma-kinetic modeling based on the Coulomb interactions of highly charged ions with photons and various atomic particles - electrons, atoms, molecules and ions. 5691 /Descent 0 >> ISBN 978-1-316-633479-0. /Parent 1 0 R @B.Nrdm@:d/d!a?08V2S/@c&LK-= 430 679.77000 l [EsZ%Ie\H3X#_2KpnG6%OLYt*5_VEQ&G0Ef%)UP5Nkd(;`.^Xga7^*m[C8Mh56`)p << /Font << endobj WebView PS7sol.pdf from PHYSICS UN3008 at Columbia University. ,SncdFm5O$=1K([BJI`6Def:n^ /Rect [ 17.01000 21.51000 213.32000 12.51000 ] /A 85 0 R /op false ive/two/one/six/P/D/W/U/O/H/S/parenleft/parenright/N/L/C/B/R/V/Y/tilde/K\ /Differences [ 45 /hyphen 94 /asciicircum ] >> Publisher : endobj From atomic spectroscopy to applications in comets, one finds contributions from over 100 authors, all leaders in their respective disciplines. /URI (http://www.cambridge.org) endstream stream /BitsPerComponent 8 /ColorSpace 139 0 R >> The author is professor of physics at the University of Sheffield and teaches a course in atomic physics to fourth year physics students. /Differences [ 40 /parenleft /parenright 44 /comma 58 /colon 65 /A /B /C /D /E /F 123 0 obj 24 0 obj )bLt(LcLp3I\T`EcnGR\(R`VGK 8 0 obj /CharSet (/W/i/t/e/n/b/r/g/U/v/s/y/A/c/a/l/o/u/d/f/h/p/m/B/L/C/P/D/k/w/x/colon/M/q\ /Subtype /Type1 /URI (www\056cambridge\056org\0579781107188730) /MediaBox [ 0 0 430 784.65000 ] /StemV 0 /Annots [ << Copyright 2001-2023 OCLC. 0 g 0%Q5hQPppn%fL'Ohj%^)_2)lJC]/!IZQ'OCYYd:]?.aL`Q\m!&8:le4NqO$VmQ.VL /Differences [ 105 /i 118 /v 120 /x ] /CharSet (/asciitilde/E/n/semicolon/colon) 447 281 718 500 500 500 500 385 385 281 500 447 666 447 447 385 << Author : J. 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