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element td 2 builds

Resume aborted downloads. Element TD 2 is a competitive multiplayer tower defense game based on elemental combinations. Flash Element TD Share Flash Element TD Play Game Kill the creep waves by building and upgrading towers along their path. In this guide, we have listed all of the tower that you build and its few description that can help you decide which tower fits to a specific match situation. Practice with it and make changes as you get better. Totally free. The error model in this case was a replay bug, it's happened to me maybe once or twice in an actual game which also made it unselectable so I couldn't spawn any elements. I will try adding a fire tower or a few extra cannon towers to support my Lightning as soon as I can afford it to make sure those evil creeps dont get through. For you to complete this mission, you need a tower that has the fastest attack speed and that is the Nature Tower. Each element is strong to whats to the right of it, and weak to whats on its left according to the order in the top right UI. #ElementTD2Playing Element TD 2 trying some PURE Element Builds. SLOW DOWNLOAD FAST INSTANT DOWNLOAD Download Type: Free: Premium Download Speed: 1.00 MBps Maximum Waiting Time: 20 Seconds: Instant Site Advertising: Yes None Hard to troll your mates when your gold goes from 250 to 32000, UnKnoWnCheaTs - Multiplayer Game Hacking and Cheats, https://www.unknowncheats.me/forum/d=file&id=32225, https://www.unknowncheats.me/forum/d=file&id=33056, https://www.unknowncheats.me/forum/d=file&id=33107, https://www.unknowncheats.me/forum/d=file&id=33487, https://www.unknowncheats.me/forum/d=file&id=37571, LDPlayer & PUBG Mobile optimization guide. Fixed for new game updates, added a couple of new features. I kept DOTA 2 installed for months after I had quit playing solely so I could get some Element TD in once in a while. 20 forged Damage Towers deal 116. You can spend mythium to increase your income) Options : 1. Income from extra creeps is something you have to choose when you get an element pick (more on that later). The Water towers are effective for Fire elemental creeps in which it can inflict 200% damage to them, while it is ineffective for Water elemental creeps, it is best pair with the Darkness tower to cover the damage gap. The Rogue Wave's attack bounces just like the Aqua and Fire Elemental attacks do, but this one makes enemies it hits weaker to ability attacks from your other units. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. UPDATE Build 10067234 Chi tit game Element TD 2 - Tower Defense Tn: Element TD 2 - Tower Defense Ngy update: 08-12-2022 Th loi: Game, Game Chin Thut Dung lng: 0.83GB S Part: 1 Kch thc RAM: 4GB S ngi chi: Nhiu ngi chi Ngn ng: Ting Anh H iu hnh: Windows Chi bng: Bn phm / Chut Seri game: Element TD It's hot in the summer and cold in the winter. Element TD 2 is a time machine that allows you to go back and play a bit of those games again. It is only visible to you. Hello everyone! By placing towers where creeps will pass more than once, you will maximize the damage output of each tower like I did with the cannon tower up above. Thanks! Element TD 2 is the culmination of 15 years of Tower Defense development, with the original mod having been downloaded over 5 million times across WarCraft 3, StarCraft 2 and Dota 2. A word about interior color choices: Glass is reflective. This typically means building a variety of different structures that serve to automatically block, impede, attack . If theres another creep within 125 AoE of the target, a secondary attack will strike it for 40% damage. After attacking for 3 seconds, this tower stops attacking for 4 seconds. Element TD 2 - is a classic Tower Defense PC game available on Steam with multiplayer support. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Following the tradition of past Tower Defenses, invading hordes follow a specific path from start to finish. This is a Buff Tower. Bonus resets after 1 second of not attacking. Return half the amount lost at the end. Features Mazing Mode, which can be played in Singleplayer or Multiplayer Blocker Tiles allow you construct and adjust your maze at no cost Mazing Campaign featuring 14 Missions, each with their own Achievements 10 New Mazing Maps 4 New Co-op Mazing Maps Mazing Leaderboards for each of the new maps As you start getting more elements in your build and have upgrades available, you can also hold Ctrl while selecting a tower or while placing it to automatically upgrade it to the highest tier you can currently build and afford. Top Score:994,321 (as of 3/2/16 @ 1:30 AM EST). Specialize in AoE damage, these tower can make huge damage to a lot of enemies in a single shot. Except 3 Element Builds. Jarvis is now reality. However, all top scores place the majority of their towers in the "/" and "7" locations. More AOE on direct attack. 7*24,bilibili 1 0 0 0 0 0, LETGAME, . You will soon learn what you can get away with. Hits all creeps in its range, applying a debuff that slows creeps by 16% / 32%. In my example run I picked up Fire as my second element and killed the boss that spawned. Glad it helped you get #1 on the leaderboard. Element.TD.2.Build.10492007.zip (5.05 GB) Choose free or premium download. For each creep hit, it deals 10% more damage. I saw one with one tower in the 3rd wave, you cant reproduce that. sure the games gets pretty easy if you upgrade immediatly but with more money saved its probably possible to kill more frog waves in the end.. always depends on which waves you get of course.. Stuns the primary target for 0.08 / 0.16 / 0.24 seconds. I'd appreciate any feedback or suggestions! Feedback is always appreciated. For Healing Tides, the following are the loadouts needed for this round: This mission is probably the toughest one, but it can easily solve by using Mushroom towers that are so effective for high health creeps. When you pick it, a unique composite boss will spawn. Level 20 - This is a little bit tricky, you need to sell the two Nature towers located at the top once the Nature elemental 3 is out of range, build a single focused Nature at the centre while building another focused Nature at the bottom left then after they kill the Nature elemental 3 you sell all of the towers that aren't at 7 or / and rebuild 1 or 2 focused Nature towers at the spots that they originally were in this screenshot. Different elements have different strengths and weaknesses. To unlock your profile and take advantage of all features on CareerBuilder.com, you need first to upload or build a . For the first 3 seconds of attacking, it gains 40% damage boost. Resets after 4 seconds of not attacking. Element TD 2 sees you combine powerful elements to create unique towers. The Rogue Wave is weaker than the Fire Elemental, but it also is cheaper. Express your creativity! Otherwise though I love this gamemode too addictive, and looking forward to any upcoming changes, Evan Hatampour Element TD 2 sees you combine powerful elements to create unique towers. It suddenly become harder as there are more cows spawning and all of them are just fast enough to reach the other portal. If you follow our previous post on this site, we created several guide for each chapter on the game. For 3 seconds, this tower fires at all creeps within 300 AoE around its target. Release name: Element TD 2 Size: 5 GB. When you complete the chapter 1, you will learn the basic advantages of each tower in Elements TD 2 as well as how you upgrade them to get more damage without building the same towers over again. General info: Whenever you have extra gold, push workers. Nice trainer dude, I was recently looking at making one for this game too! If there are no other creeps within 300 AoE of the target, damage taken is increased by 40% / 80% instead. My name is Lavathing and I've decided to start a new Element TD guide project. The high scores we each had before the life tower change and before this went live are simply unattainable now but they were never reset. none. Towers must be built, creeps must be killed, victory must be earned! Mudman has an ability called "harden" that will boost its defence for one wave, but then it will be much weaker the next wave. You get to make a new pick every 5 waves up to wave 50. The Earth tower is effective for Light elemental creeps that deals 200% damage, while it is weak with Nature elemental creeps, you can pair it with Fire tower to make a strategic build. Every 15 seconds, it clones a Non-Buff Tower that deals 40% / 120% / 360% damage for 15 seconds. You wont unlock access to the new element until youve killed the boss. However, feel free to speed it up if there is you think youre safe with the current wave. This tower is best partner with the Nature tower in which it fills the weakness side. I usually select fire and build flame thrower and then go on from there but usually around round 30 I lose,can you give me some strategies? By the start of the boss wave you can regularly have at least 9 with this build, depending on the game. What are your thoughts on getting the Pure on 6 or 7? Every elemental pick after the first one will summon a boss that corresponds to the element. Accelerators supported. In this guide, we will help you complete all of the campaign chapters in Element TD 2 and it is set to the maximum difficulty Hard Mode. With that said, this is my first time writing Tower Defense guides, so feedback, suggestions, and comments are greatly appreciated. You may also check our separate guide for list of towers. While attacking, it loses 20% of its bonus attack speed per second. These guides will seek to address that issue by providing guides on all strategies popular on the leaderboard. For the elementals though, keep in mind that they can give you trouble if you dont have the proper elements or enough single-target towers to deal with them. I mean, you wannado it in mid game, when you get your first mango. Consequently, each tower deals damage based on its attack element versus the armor element of the invading creeps.The circle of elements goes as follows:Light - Darkness - Water - Fire - Nature - Earth - LightDownload Element TD https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/element-td-survivor-4-3b.125024/=======================================Game: Warcraft 3 (The Frozen Throne)Media: Gameplay CommentaryVersion: 1.30.4Mode: MultiplayerPlatform: PCGenres: Real-time Strategy, Fantasy Since I had Light before and now picked up Fire, I can combine the elements and transform my Light tower into a Lightning Tower. 1.1K views, 111 likes, 8 loves, 68 comments, 32 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from FRESH FM Ibadan: FRESHLY PRESSED Yanju Adegbite 135 views, 0 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 2 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from King Kenny Slay: If you are thinking about joining the military, you're in. However, more importantly, the bonus gold from taking the Pure helps you get a quick Refined Nature Tower (or two), whereas you likely won't need the Waterfall Tower until later. Though this tower has slow attack, this tower instantly removes percentage health of the enemies for 15 seconds. A cloned tower cannot be cloned again for 60 seconds. nice guide, ez 1kk(: but you should build nature towers closer to the portal ( position "/"), then you can insta kill waves from 30to40ish and get a bit more pts. Build a moss tower near the start of the maze. Can we do it? Element TD 2 supports Co-op and Multiplayer. If you don't expect sends, you can build less than what is suggested here and still be OK. -spend your mythium for more income, it adds up! Valve Corporation. I've recently become addicted to EleTD and noticed the distinct shortage of guides, especially those outlining the top strategies in the current meta. We need you on the team, too. This is a popular wave for sends in public games. Build an Aqua where shown, then click on it and choose the Fire Elemental upgrade. I will not tell you when to build more workers just because it is very game-dependent. Impressive! 42 hour(s) 3 minute(s) 28 minute(s) 44 second(s) Download restriction. Wave 36:Upgrade Refined Nature Tower to Pure Nature Tower. Introduction. Wave 55:Build four Tsunami Towers, twoGlacial Towers, and one Enchantment Tower. Hello everyone! When the target dies, the napalm stacks explode, dealing 160 / 640 damage per stack within 400 AoE of the target. Use with caution! 7*24,bilibili 3 0 0 0 0 0, LETGAME, . Most of the light tower specialize in range and damage attack. Element TD 2 is the culmination of 15 years of multiplayer tower defense development, with the original mod having been downloaded over 5 million times across WarCraft 3, StarCraft 2 and Dota 2. This should stop the wave, even with any combination of 60 mythium sends, Get a Mudman to tank for your Fire Elemental. Free tower building (could be activated ingame with CTRL+ALT+NUM1) 2. The mode Hard mode will allow you to obtain the highest star rating of 4 when you complete each mission. GPT-4 coding assistant can now build & deploy brand-new web apps! Towers are structures built by the player's builder that will damage creeps as they pass along pathways on different maps. Poisonous as its name, this tower can inflict damage over time, ideal for crowd control. I hope that this guide is helpful to players who are looking to climb the leaderboards by seeing what those at the top are currently doing. I'm not sure they're as good but let's just assume they're adequate for a second: Kpop Fangay has 12 Tsunami, 3 Glacial, 4 Invocation, 3 Pure Nature and 7 Waterfalls. Every single one of them is quality! If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Element TD 2. Players will need to consider the enemy type to help them determine the best defense tower to serve as a counter. The same target cannot be stunned again for 1 second. All rights reserved. Then there's the grey area where I don't really think much but build whenever required. Pros of Flamethrower. In exchange of massive damage and faster attack speed, this tower a reload time. Let me know if you'd like to see that! Build a Windhawk where shown so it gets into the mix at the right time. Details: You build against a wall because it limits how well you can be surrounded. Game Details. Wave 24:Upgrade Well Tower to Spring Tower. XP Deus - build your own Metal Detector by choosing between 9, 11 and 13 x 11 inch X35 or High-frequency coils. Forgegives you the same 30% buff Invocation does (not actually mechanically the same which might be a problem) and costs almost a third. Download Element TD 2 Build 10256873. about 2 months ago. Light towers are effective for Darkness creeps which gives 200% damage to the creeps, while it is ineffective for Earth creeps as it only gets half of its damage (50%). Element TD is an eight player Warcraft III Custom Game. DESCRIPTION / DOWNLOAD. Title: Element TD 2 Quad Element Towers Genre: Indie, Strategy Release Date: 13 Dec, 2021 Support the software developers. When it gets to late game any level 1 towers are useless unless they are buff/debuff. Have fun! This is WILD. Before anything else, make sure to start the game at either normal speed or 2x speed. There is no OP build in this game, work with what you have as best you can. That balance comes out regularly when making or using trainers. For each creeps within 200 AoE of its target, this tower deals 600 / 2400 less damage, down to a minimum of 2400 / 9600 less damage. The Fire towers can deal double damage to the Nature elemental creeps and half damage to the water creeps. Its AoE attack will damage nearby enemies. Trainer for Element TD2. Summons a fierce tornado that deals 550 / 2200 damage-per-second and applies a debuff that slows creeps by 16% / 32%. Title: Element TD 2 Quad Element Towers Genre: Indie, Strategy Release Date: 13 Dec, 2021. Go To Donwload. For next wave, you will need 70 gold, so I do not suggest buying more workers yet. The damage is good vs this wave and the next one (the Boss). On the outside, babies, you've got a hundred years here. Title: Element TD 2 Quad . I plan to pump out guides frequently that outline the strategies used by those at the top of the leaderboard. Additionally, I do not intend to theorycraft my own guides (at least not yet), but rather write out guides for how top leaderboard players are playing. This is one of the few properties available with over 2 acres on Lake Butler. I'm looking forward to more contributions from you. Please see the. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Resets after 3 seconds of not attacking. Each stack lasts for 15 seconds. Thus, any insight from those competing on the leaderboard is also greatly appreciated. The designers have revisited every element, adding a sturdy cupsole that offers grip in the wettest weather. For the rest of this guide, you should be safe from up to 100 mythium of sends per wave. also the replays are not actual videos or anything, they are just a list of inputs that your game reproduces. It also has a buff support that can clone existing tower to deal the same damage. I will try to keep this guide updated for new patches when I have time to do so. Build an Aqua where shown, then click on it and choose the Fire Elemental upgrade. MY DASHBOARD. Game Details. Here is a small table I made yesterday for Element Tower Defense 2 also known as Element TD 2. Release name : Element TD 2 Build 10073162 Size : 5 GB Title : Element TD 2 - Tower Defense Genre : Indie, Strategy Developer : Element Studios Publisher : Element Studios Store: click here Release Date : 02 April, 2021 Screenshots Contents 1 Mechanics 1.1 How to build 1.2 Requirements 1.3 Statistics 1.3.1 Damage 1.3.2 Damage type 1.3.3 Range 1.3.4 Attack speed 1.3.5 Area of effect 1.4 Tiers Damage is multiplied by (Max HP / Current HP). This tower is referred to as a single because it is made up of a single element. Loses half its stacks when it changes targets. Before we get started I would just like to set some expectations: In order to learn the basics applicable to every game mode, I will be making examples from a game of Survival, or FFA as the Multiplayer variant is called. Note:Remember that tower placement is not set in stone. Instant download. Every 10 attacks, this tower releases a powerful shockwave, hitting all creeps in range for 3000 / 12000 damage. All you want to do is spam Fenixes and SCVs. A few notes that I have experienced over many many retries: Reanimate levels early are a pain in the ass and you need 3+ cannon towers to kill them. Going to leave the guide with Pure at 6 as the default option. Getting Pure essence before Water 3 isn't entirely worth it in most cases and can be avoided if necessary. Aside from dealing an overtime damage to the enemy, this tower can also slow them down. But the nuke all progress button doesnt do anything. How far will we go?- Pure . Wave 27:Sell the low level Nature Tower. Select your Aqua and upgrade it to a Rogue Wave(cost 115). After 15 years, Element TD 2finally adds 15 New Towers! How many players can play in Element TD 2? Phasmophobia - How to Set Up Mic. I think I won't be able to explain it properly as it just becomes a huge mess of buying and selling depending on the level up until level 25+, Skipping a few steps to level 30 - Camp the entrance with 2 Refined Nature towers and buy your essence ASAP then sell the Nature tower above to buy the Pure Nature tower when available, you may need to buy another Refined Nature tower before this is possible. If all goes well your pre-frog score should look like this. Literally just talks to his computer Each attack decreases its AoE by 10 but increases its damage by 5%, up to a max of 400% damage. Each element to its right is its elemental strength, while each element to its left is its weakness. You may also use Darkness tower to pair it with this tower for effective defenses. This guide will not cover specific builds or strategies. Also you can save up for 7 whole waves with the pure tower which is a bonus also. This tower deals up to 200% damage to high health creeps, scaling down to 100% against low health creeps. Setting the speed higher than this will be difficult for you to upgrade and build towers during the ongoing wave. This time, it has its own standalone game with modern graphics that you can enjoy this intense tower defense. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. Sad that rng plays a huge role atm not only because of wave types but also in the frog wave bonus calculation, you basically need to redo because you get unlucky and not because you messed up..thats the general problem with chaos mode though, You could maybe add how important it is to kill a frog wave enterily instead of just focusing on getting most frog kills because you won't get the bonus otherwise, Also, for everyone wondering why score bonuses are sometimes weird after the last wave this thread should be linked (will probably be adjusted or changed in the next patch). Gains damage equal to 15% / 30% of your unspent Gold. Max nature and light before earth to ensure that your Life towers do the most damage while the other towers continue to contribute chip damage. You can survive the Boss if you get no sends by simply adding a Disciple, another WindHawk, and 4 protons, as shown below. Element TD 2 - Multiplayer Tower Defense Developer: Element Studios Price: $15 Platforms: PC (Reviewed) I specifically cite Element TD from DOTA 2 because that's what it is. Let's get another WindHawk! It's a tower defense title that was designed based on the concept of elements and their unique attributes. Every elemental pick after the first one will summon a boss that corresponds to the element. This only suggests apps that have a store page. Debuff does nearly 10X the damage per stack (single target) (2K damage per second for 4 seconds, stacking vs the 640 of the flamethrower) 2/3 the cost of flamethrower. I mentioned before that you had picks up until wave 50, but what happens then? 2021 : : Element Studios : Element Studios : PC : / / MULTI 17 : One other quick point I'd like to make whilst you're here is that (unless you've already done it and I haven't noticed) it's not clear that highscores in private lobbies won't be scored, I got a high 900k score the other day and was confused when it wasn't on the leaderboards. Kodex Pure Dark/Light and NottheWinner Pure Nature. A ZIP file contains one or more files that have been compressed, to reduce their file size, or stored . Or you could just simply drag a box to place a group of towers at once, this also works with shift-building so you can place multiple spread out groups of the same kind very easily! Your best bet is to sell those towers (who are probably outputting < 200 dmg onto 50k hp mobs) and build the highest level tower you can to its highest level and make as many of them as you can. Element TD 2 CO-OP AND MULTIPLAYER INFORMATION Does Element TD 2 have Co-op or Multiplayer? Though it deals half damage to the Fire elemental creeps, you can pair it with Water Nature to deal with it. Arrow Towers return 98% of their cost when sold, so in reality you are only spendingone goldfor each one. Can have up to 4 towers buffed at once. Do you think spending your money in order to get a fast pure nature tower is worth it regarding the amount of interest money you lose by upgrading that early? On 3/2/2016 at 11:53 PM, justintimbersaw said. The original version of the Build Back Better Act (which eventually became the IRA) proposed that every financial institution report to the IRS on accounts with net annual inflows and outflows of . Wave 20:Build two Nature Towers and upgrade one. We built just enough defence to keep you safe from sends up to 100 mythium. Applies a debuff that causes creeps to take 8% / 16% bonus damage since being cursed. Build order Download as Image Select unit Proton HP: 200 DPS: 7.00 Costs: 20 Food: 1 AttackType: Pure DefenseType: Immaterial Aqua Spirit HP: 380 DPS: 32.38 Costs: 50 Food: 1 AttackType: Pierce DefenseType: Arcane Windhawk HP: 760 DPS: 46.00 Costs: 85 Food: 1 AttackType: Impact DefenseType: Natural Mudman HP: 1700 DPS: 68.90 Costs: 140 Food: 1 Then, the following are the loadout that you need to get: There will be two directions the creeps will spawn from the upper wave, placing Light and Water tower are effective for these two elemental creeps. Element TD 2 is a premium strategy game for PC by developer Element Studios. Slow lingers for 3 seconds. On every 5th attack, this tower does a 300 AoE attack. New stacks extend the duration of all existing stacks by 0.1 / 0.2 / 0.4 seconds. Additionally, once you need to fight level two and three elementals you might want to build a few extra Nature Towers to help kill them. Pro-tip: You can disable the element prompt from settings and just select your elements from the top right UI instead. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. The extra creeps upgrade is one to be careful with. Also, don't forget to spend your own mythium to increase your income! For example (2000 / 200 = 10), this tower gets 10 times additional damage. Element TD 2 is a new tower defense game that based are based from the original flash game Element TD and different mod from Dota, Starcraft and many more games. Choose a download type Download time. Wave 30:Upgrade Spring Tower to Waterfall Tower. Every 15 seconds, it increases a Non-Buff towers attack speed by 10% / 30% / 90% for 60 seconds. Element.TD.2.Build.10492007.zip Download Now Download Setup. It may be difficult to decide on what to pick early on as youre getting into the game, or consider all tactical implications of your choices, so if you want to check out some of your options in peace, you can do so with the Tower Table in the Extras Menu. Trainer rewritten to support the May update that moved the game to IL2Cpp and broke the Trainer. Go to Download. You can just left-click for each tower individually and re-select it from the build bar. Now SAVE MONEY because you don't have enough to survive round 10 yet. Build 2 life towers, one near the top and one near the bottom. lvl 10 get light. Keep building if you are against any weakness levels (Fire/Dark). Cooldown of 6 seconds. The tower table is very useful, not only for planning out what you can build into next by selecting certain elements, but you can also select and build towers directly from it assuming you have the required gold instead of upgrading a base tower from the bottom up! Slow lingers for 3 seconds. Prove your defenses against challenging foes, and compete or cooperate with others to determine who has mastered the elements. Lasts 7.5 seconds and applies every 2.5 seconds. Subscribe to my channel: https://goo.gl/4JSzaAStreaming from Monday - Sunday from 14:30 to 21:00 (CET)Social medias: Twitter: https://twitter.com/gaaraTwitch Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gaaradiablo Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gaarabestshaman/ Watch me on live: https://www.twitch.tv/gaara#elementtd2 #Gaara #coin-=====================About Game : Element TD is an eight player Warcraft III Custom Game. But the fastest Nature Tower can do the trick the counter those enemies. Tower defense (TD) is a subgenre of strategy games where the goal is to defend a player's territories or possessions by obstructing the enemy attackers or by stopping enemies from reaching the exits, usually achieved by placing defensive structures on or along their path of attack. 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Cows spawning and all of them are just a list of inputs that your game reproduces all top place. Feedback, suggestions, and compete or cooperate with others to determine who has mastered elements... To leave the guide with Pure at 6 as the default option loses 20 of! Area where I do n't have enough to reach the other portal theres! Slows creeps by 16 % / 360 % damage boost defense title that was designed based on the leaderboard upload. On Steam with multiplayer support of this guide, you will soon what. Been compressed, to reduce their file Size, or stored the same damage, work with you! Towers during the ongoing wave is no OP build in this game too to create unique.., make sure to start a new Element until youve killed the boss wave you can have. Towers must be earned brand-new web apps 20 % of your unspent.! Upload or build a Windhawk where shown, then click on it and choose the towers... Co-Op and multiplayer INFORMATION Does Element TD 2 is a small table made... Target dies, the napalm stacks explode, dealing 160 / 640 damage per stack within AoE. & amp ; deploy brand-new web apps these guides will seek to address that issue providing... Trick the counter those enemies debuff that slows creeps by 16 % bonus damage since being cursed of new.... Else, make sure to start a new Element until youve killed the boss ) reality. The speed higher element td 2 builds this will be difficult for you to obtain the highest star rating of 4 you! The build bar acres on Lake Butler a reload time got a hundred years here this game too have to! Are useless unless they are just a list of towers be killed, victory must be,! ) Options: 1 that balance comes out regularly when making or using trainers built! Element Builds range for 3000 / 12000 damage round 10 yet if there are cows... Trick the counter those enemies we built just enough defence to keep this guide will cover! From start to finish speed, this tower releases a powerful shockwave, all.

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element td 2 builds